Monday, January 26, 2009

Did You Just...?

History repeats itself, but manifests itself into different faces so it doesn't get boring. So, DJ is a huge douchebag to girls and he's always been like that. When I first met him, he had this girlfriend Kura who was two years older than he was. She was this typical romantic girl who wanted to do everything with him and God forbid something goes wrong. He later told me he was only going out with her because he was basically using her and had originally started going out with her because she looked really pathetic and lonely. Wow. At one point in time, there was an interesting love triangle thing going on...I liked him, he kind of liked me I guess, but was still going out with Kura. Eventually I gave up on him, lost a whole ton of respect, and went on with life. Social circles made it so that after awhile, we got to be friends again, but this time he was going out with this girl Mac. I didn't know her very well, but it was alright. I had given up on him anyways. Things went on, life continued, and recently, they broke up. He immediately started going out with Tuesday and fuck, she's exactly like Kura. Not necessarily hopeless and pathetic and that's not why he's going out with her, but she's one of those girls who's lost all sense of independency and can't take not seeing him on their first month "anniversary." Really?

She's now one of the girls who will use tears and bitching to get a guy to do anything. Those girls need to die. How is it that those are the girls that "represent" the whole female gender when there are girls who enjoy being rough-housed and couldn't care less about celebrating monthly milestones. Why aren't those girls who enjoy getting down and dirty and enjoy going down not the female figureheads? Why are we represented by those flitty little saps when there are solid girls who fight and play back?

-This Is The Way Things Are
Scarlet Bloodmoon

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