Monday, February 2, 2009

Unless You're Watching, Why Does It Matter Who Guys are Fucking?

So this morning in Government, the teacher asks what were some qualities we like to see in our Presidents. Someone said a general sense of morality. I totally agree. They should be moral and fair. I added that presidents should separate religion-specific morals so that they won't pass policies and bills or grant priorities to issues that don't represent the groups that are openly shunned by churches. Oh, and really, it's mostly just the Christian religions who are intolerant of homosexuality. What the fuck guys? Seriously? Everyone else is okay with it. I have gay friends who are great people and will one day be your future.

So the teacher is surprised that I could firstly word the point like I did and asked what I had meant. I used the issue of homosexuality: I don't want a president to base his decisions on the opinions of a church he or she belongs to that openly shuns homosexuality. It's not fair and why the hell is that allowed at all? But! So this kid argues that my point is invalid because it could go both ways. He says that a homosexual president could pass bills and policies that are homosexually centric. First off, are you insinuating that America will actually get open-minded enough to vote for a flaming homosexual? Second off, are you insinuating that homosexuality is a fucking religion? Um, I know it's 6 in the morning, but do know that your points are so wrong and spoon-fed that I want to rip out your throat every time you disagree with me. At least I don't get my opinions intravenously dripped through my system and mind. At least I know why I believe in the things I do outside of because my religion (what religion?) and parents and friends think the same way. I like debate. I like knowing who to listen to and who to debate against. I know who to preemptively agree to disagree with without them knowing and just nod and see that they have valid points.

I didn't argue back with him because that wasn't the aim for the morning. We still had another lesson, and quite frankly, I couldn't be bothered. Whatever. Enjoy your spoon-fed lies and I hope they keep you warm at night.

Another issue I totally hate is the fact that in November, the Mormon churches were all getting riled up about Prop 102 because they didn't want to have gays come and demand they get married in their church. Why would people have the happiest moment of their lives within an institution that openly hates them? So just because a gay guy might ask to be married in your church, you have to ruin it for everyone? How impossibly arrogant and selfish. So what if I asked to be married in a Mormon church, married a body of testosterone, but during and after the ceremony, openly have make-out sessions with females? And then declare that my religion defines the only valid coupling as between a male and female and by kissing all these girls, it really never happened at all! What the fuck is that all about? Isn't it enough that heterosexuality has the majority and that there will never be a majority for a homosexual no matter what? Isn't it enough that they won't even bother you? Do you seriously have to go all Dystopic society on us and assimilate everyone into your gray and cookie-cutter mold?

I have never met a homosexual that I have not immediately began to befriend and trust. They are the sweetest people in the world and half the time, can pull professional so well that no one will realize their true sexual orientation. Homophobic people of America: Stop worrying that your children's teachers are going to be homosexuals who will brain-wash your children and turn them gay. Homosexuality is a trait acquired at birth; it is not a disease and it is not a choice. Gay guys are the cutest people in the world and they are the people who know how to listen and compliment. They are the people any girl could easily live with without having to worry about being self-concious or horrible about themselves. They seriously make the best friends.

Bisexuality is something that I tend to go back and forth on. Girls are pretty and beautiful and amazing, no matter what gender is acknowledging this. I can say I find girls attractive because I know what healthy looks like and how I like girls to be. Plus, confidence is sexy, but not arrogance. Girls know where the line is, they never cross it. I, at times, will check out girls and wonder how they would be in bed. I'm serious. But I have a boyfriend, I know that I'm totally straight, and I know that given the choice, I would choose a body of testosterone who can and will give me the attention and fun I crave. Maybe it's a curious-type thing where I just totally want to know if there are other girls who have the same spots and triggers I do. Maybe I just want a soft, curvy body to play with before I return to the vastly different male one I have. I am mostly under the impression that bisexuality does not exist and is mostly just girls and guys desperate for attention that they'd do pretty much anything. I guess I'm just weird because from the young age of like 9, I've always wondered if I were absolutely physically different from every other girl.

-Don't Die Yet, K? I Don't Know What I'd Do Without You.
Scarlet Bloodmoon

1 comment:

James West said...

this was why i liked mitt Romney, Mormon, so you knew his heart was in the right place, yet he approved gay marriage in Massachusetts.