Sunday, April 12, 2009


I guess it all started way back in March. It was like...a week before the 20th or something, I don't remember, but I drove down to My Sister's Closet and picked out a dress. One shop, one dress to try on, and that was it. I didn't go to five thousand different stores and I didn't try on dress after dress. I do that stuff for fun, not dress shopping. So I spent less than 40 dollars on my dress, and it took me half an hour of debating whether or not I want to spend like 37 dollars on a dress. I'd like to see a girl beat that figure.

That same day, I picked out James' birthday present. I went to two stores for that one.

Then, pretty much three weeks later, I started considering things. Like hardcore considering. Things to match with, hairstyle, makeup...and for a week, I considered and "researched" and then for two days tried and played with. The day before Prom, everything was figured out. I bought a curling iron, and played with it. I probably did my hair three times in those two days before I left my house in my dress. I will be super generous and say it took me about 24 hours cumulatively to get ready.

Dinner was super fun. We went to the Indian place down in Tempe and spent fifteen dollars on the meal. It was super filling too. And then we got ice cream for $2.14. We got there, went in, met up with some people, looked/waiting for some people, danced, and just had a lot of fun. Not as destructive as last year though...and it looked like there were considerably less teachers in the main room than there were last year. Gamal got Prom King and Amanda got Queen. Not bad. They Rick Rolled everyone on the way out. It was ridiculous.

After that, we went to Denny's (and by "we," that would be James and me) and we had a small snack. And then we went "home" and went to bed.

So all in all, Prom cost us:

80 (tux rental)
70 (tickets)
40 (dress)
33 (food and drink)
10 (gas)
5 (corsage and boutineer material)
((And some other stuff that we had thought of, but I can't recall...but that was about 50))

for a total of 295 dollars...somehow.

Take that everyone else. Our Prom cost us about as much as a really pricey dress, which I'm sure some girl went out and bought.

-Fuck Yeah
Scarlet Bloodmoon

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