Monday, January 19, 2009

Ick...Just Ick

At around 11:30 this morning, James asked if I wanted/could leave for lunch. I ask my dad, who after about 10 minutes of telling me he doesn't mind that I go out to disliking how I hesitated when giving him the time I was going to come back all the way to how if I didn't like his decisions I should just move out, if I could leave and after wasting a good 10 minutes of my time, and James' time, got a simple no. Really? So feeling rather annoyed, I asked James to come visit me to cheer me up. As he got here, Andrei went out with Riley to walk him, and so we end up all walking Riley around. We spent some time fixing his car and cleaning it up a bit and then just sitting and talking. He left around 1 ish and after that, I went back inside and back on my computer. Like three hours later, he and his new foreign exchange student are out and about and he wants to know if I am allowed out to come along. I ask my dad again, and after telling me how he expects me to come home directly after school and to work on a fucking robot at home, says no. He threatens me, telling me I'm so close to being kicked out of the house because I'm nothing more than a nuisance to everyone and the only reason Daniel didn't do robotics is because I don't give him any attention and all the Robotics consists of is me being with James and ignoring everybody. Really?

So my mom comes home and I run downstairs to meet her in the garage. I asked if she remembered telling me if I just asked to go somewhere, there is a large probability that my parents would let me go. She asked what I wanted to do and if Dad wasn't letting me go somewhere. I gave her the story and she said to go inside and we'd talk it out. This consisted of my mom asking my dad why I couldn't do anything and he told her that I'd spent three hours with James this late morning to afternoon outside and that should have been enough. He made a huge deal about how we were in front of our house as if he was greatly offended by the very idea that I was slightly appeased this morning. She says that was because I couldn't do anything at all today and he argues that I never spend time at home. She said that was because I was off at Robotics and that every day for the past week, I've been home to eat dinner with the family at around 6. "Just let her go." I agreed to get back by 8 and look, I did. Take that!

So I drive up to Dobson and Warner and meet James, his foreign exchange student, and a mutual friend right as they were leaving a store. My timing's awesome. We spend maybe 15 minutes trying to decide on dinner and finally all squish into the friend's car and drive a mile out of the way before getting on the right track. Needless to say, he sucks at directions and doesn't really know how to memorize streets. Dinner was fun, we chatted mostly about the guy's girlfriend and how he should move on. After that, we drove back to my car and then drove back to around my house. We agreed to meet up at the Bashas' nearby and I decided to "race" him back there. I won. After like 6 minutes, I had to go home.

So here I am, typing this. I really dislike my dad...He doesn't take the time to realize what's going on outside of his world and refuses to tolerate the things we do when we tolerate all of the ridiculous things he does. He's supposed to be moving to Minneapolis, but he won't leave at all. He should go really soon...we're all getting sick and tired of him.

-Until It's All Over
Scarlet Bloodmoon

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