Thursday, May 8, 2008

This Is Why You Are Horrible

I'm dedicating this whole post to conveying a message to someone. I don't know, I have a whole ton of these things saved somewhere, but none of them will ever see the sun. This one, though...I want him to see this one:

You know, I think there is something wrong with the way you tell people you can't stand the relationship anymore. I don't know if it's because I got tougher afterwards, but you soften the blow too much and in the end, when we figure out it's all a lie, it makes us feel weak about it. We don't need to be coddled and treated like we're glass when you let us go. We think it's cruel that you would try to soften the blow for us. It's lying...We don't like it when you lie. I'm sorry, I really respect you, but you are a horrible person when you lie. I realize that you feel horrible about yourself about going out with someone right after breaking up with someone else, but if that was never your intention, that isn't a problem. Your problem is not wanting to hurt us. We can be hurt. We can handle the truth. We promise. You are horrible only because you feel you need to protect us -- and you do protect us -- even as you're pushing us away. We just can't stand that kind of connection.

-I really need to find some pseudonym thing for you...Haha, you are Cale. You are now Cale.

Which, by the way, the "we" in the whole post...yeah. I was talking to someone...they have just about the same feelings. You're smart. You can figure out who she is.

Yes, this is a short piece, but...I'll make it up to you. By the way, you need a pseudonym too...FoC isn't too...creative...hmm. Haha, I'm reusing Mr. Compartner...

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